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Faculty of Law, Business & Economics

Professorship of Economics International Governance – Prof. Dr. Frank Steffen

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Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals

Brink, R. van den, Rusinowska, A., and Steffen, F. (2013). Measuring Power and Satisfaction in Societies with Opinion Leaders: An Axiomatization, Social Choice and Welfare 41: 671-683.

Brink, R. van den and Steffen, F. (2012). Axiomatizations of a Positional Power Score and Measure for Hierarchies, Public Choice 151: 757-787.

Brink, R. van den, Rusinowska, A., and Steffen, F. (2011). Measuring Power and Satisfaction in Societies with Opinion Leaders: Dictator and Opinion Leader Properties, Homo Oeconomicus28: 161-185.

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2007). The Chairman's Paradox Revisited, Social Choice and Welfare 28: 231-253.

Braham, M., Friedrich, D., and Steffen, F. (2004). The Brain, Rationality, and Economics, Homo Oeconomicus 21: 469–472.

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2003). Voting Rules in Insolvency Law: A Simple-Game Theoretic Approach, International Review of Law and Economics 22: 421–442.

Altunbas, Y., Chakravarty, S. P., and Steffen, F. (2002). A Note on the Electoral Rules for the Welsh Assembly, Public Choice 111: 185–193.

Holler, M.J., Ono, R., and Steffen, F. (2001). Constrained Monotonicity and the Measurement of Power, Theory and Decision 50: 385–397.

Steffen, F. (2000). When is A Priori Voting Power Really A Priori?, Homo Oeconomicus 16: 405–414.

Articles in Peer-reviewed Books

Brink, R. van den and Steffen, F. (2014). On the Measurement of Success and Satisfaction, in R. Fara et al. (eds), Voting Power and Procedures: Essays in Honor of Dan Felsenthal and Moshé Machover, Springer, 41-64.

Brink, R. van den and Steffen, F. (2008). Positional Power in Hierarchies, in M. Braham and F. Steffen (eds), Power, Freedom, and Voting, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 57-81.

Articles in Journals

Brink, R. van den and Steffen, F. (2012). Succes en tevredenheid in collectieve beslissingsmechanismen, Economisch Statistische Berichten 97: 480-483

Articles in Books

Alberts, T. (forthcoming). Whatever it takes – Die Rettungsinstrumente der EU auf dem institutionenökonomischen Prüfstand.

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2002). Voting Power in Games with Abstentions, in M.J. Holler et. al (eds), Jahrbuch für Neue Politische Ökonomie 20, Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 333–348.

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2002). Comment on Gianfranco Gambarelli and Guillermo Owen, Power in Political and Business Structures, in M.J. Holler et. al (eds), Jahrbuch für Neue Politische Ökonomie 20, Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 69–78.

Books and Edited Volumes

Algaba, E., van den Brink, R., Grabisch, M. and Steffen, F. (eds) (2021). Game Theoretical Models and Applications - SING 14, Special Issue of Annals of Operations Research 301.​

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (eds) (2008). Power, Freedom, and Voting, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 438 pages.

Discussion Papers

Diss, M., Steffen, M. (2017). The Distribution of Power in the Lebanese Parliament Revisited, Working Paper 1723, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.

Alberts, T. (2015). Gibt es Grenzen für die internationale Personenfreizügigkeit aus liberaler Sicht?

Brink, R. van den, Rusinowska, A., and Steffen, F. (2009). Measuring Power and Satisfaction in Societies with Opinion Leaders: Properties of the Qualified Majority Case, Working Paper 09-01, GATE Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie Économique UMR 5824 du CNRS - Université Lumière Lyon 2.

Schleef, M. and Steffen, F. (2006). RAROC: Ein geeignetes Instrument für die Mitarbeitersteuerung im Kreditgeschäft?, Discussion Paper, Department of Economics, University of Hamburg.

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2001). Notes on Power in Hierarchical Structures, Discussion Paper 120, Sozialökonomisches Seminar der Universität Hamburg, University of Hamburg.

Altunbas, Y., Chakravarty, S. P., and Steffen, F. (1999). Proportional Representation in the National Assembly for Wales, Discussion Paper 104, Sozialökonomisches Seminar der Universität Hamburg, Universi-ty of Hamburg.

Briefing Papers for Management Practice

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2003). Mindestanforderungen an das Kreditgeschäft der Kreditinstitute (MaK): Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten einer effizienten Umsetzung, University of Hamburg and University of Liverpool Management School.

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2003). Hierarchies, Empowerment and Lean Management: A look at a new Theory, University of Hamburg and University of Liverpool Management School.

Conference Papers and Mimeographs (Selected)

Diss, M. and Steffen, F. (2018). Proportionality and Power in a Consociational Democracy: Lessons from the Lebanese Republic, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon and Unversity of Bayreuth.

Kaniovski, S. and Steffen F. (2016). Inter-Institutional Power in the European Union Revisited, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) & University of Bayreuth.

Schleef, M. and Steffen, F. (2008). Covenants as Incentives in German Mid-Cap Credit Business, Deutsche Bank AG and University of Liverpool Management School.

Brink, R. van den, Rusinowska, A., and Steffen, F. (2007). Measures for Bipartite Directed Graphs Using Success and Power in Binary Voting Situations, VU University, Amsterdam, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, and University of Liverpool Management School.

Altunbas, Y., Chakravarty, S. P., and Steffen, F. (2004). Economics of National Identity, University of Wales, Bangor, and University of Liverpool Management School.

Chakravarty, S.P. and Steffen, F. (2003). Why Remain Passive in Corporate Elections?, University of Wales, Bangor, and University of Liverpool Management School.

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2003). The Minimum Requirements for the Credit Business of Credit Institutions: Some Perplexities, Complexities, and Perspectives, University of Hamburg and University of Liverpool Management School.

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2002). Local Monotonicity of Voting Power: A Conceptual Analysis, University of Hamburg and HWWA, Hamburg.

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2002). A Priori Voting Power in Hierarchical Organizations, University of Hamburg and HWWA, Hamburg.

Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (2002). Local Monotonicity and Straffin's Partial Homogeneity Approach to the Measurement of Voting Power, University of Hamburg and HWWA, Hamburg.

Altunbas, Y., Chakravarty, S. P., and Steffen, F. (2000). Voting Power in the National Assembly for Wales, University of Wales, Bangor, and University of Hamburg.

Altunbas, Y., Chakravarty, S. P., and Steffen, F. (1999). Electoral Rules for the Welsh Assembly, University of Wales, Bangor, and University of Hamburg.

Steffen, F. (1999). Power and the Internal Organization of Firms, University of Hamburg.

Articles for Think Tanks

Alberts, T. (2015). "Invest in Europe" und Junckers Special Task Force: "we are in business“ (Teil 2), openeuropeberlin.

Alberts, T. (2014). Invest in Europe – Ja, ist denn schon Weihnachten?! (Teil 1), openeuropeberlin.

Alberts, T. (2013). Zwischen Mindestlohn, Mütterrente und PKW Maut – Auswirkungen des deutschen Koalitionsvertrages 2013 auf die Entwicklung der EU, openeuropeberlin.

Press Coverage

Steffen, F. (1999) reported his results on the voting rules of the Welsh assembly to the ‘The Western Mail’ (Welsh newspaper), published as a cover story on 04 May 1999.

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