Team > Prof. Dr. Frank Steffen

Faculty of Law, Business & Economics
International Governance
- 2017: Visiting Professor of Economics, GATE L-SE in Saint-Etienne, Jean Monnet University at Saint-Etienne.
- 2012-today: Professor of Economics, especially International Governance, Faculty of Law, Business and Economics, University of Bayreuth.
- 2010: Visiting Professor of Economics, especially Microeconomics, Faculty of Economics, University of Hamburg.
- 2005-2007: Marie Curie Research Fellow, Institute of Social Choice Theory, Tilburg University (EU-funded Research Project).
- 2003-2015: Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Liverpool Management School.
- 2003: Analyst for Real Estate Finance (Corporate Customers), Eurohypo AG, Hamburg.
- 2002-2003: Temporary Research Position in a Project on Conflict Resolution, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA), Hamburg.
- 1998-2002: Research and Teaching Fellow, Institute of SocioEconomics, Department of Economics, University of Hamburg.
- 1992-2002: Bank Clerk for Retail Banking, Asset Management, Controlling, and since 1997: Customer Client and Analyst for Real Estate Finance (Corporate Customers), Deutsche Bank AG, Hamburg.
- 1998-2002: Ph.D Thesis "Essays in the Theory of Voting Power," Department of Economics, University of Hamburg, Germany.
- 1992-1997: Diplom Volkswirt, Department of Economics, University of Hamburg, Germany.
- 1990-1992: Commercial Apprenticeship in Banking (Bankkaufmann), Deutsche Bank AG, Hamburg, Germany.
Administrative Roles
- 2011-2012: Postgraduate Assessment Officer, University of Liverpool Management School.
- 2009-2011: Postgraduate Examinations Officer, University of Liverpool Management School.
- 2007-2009: XJTLU (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University) Liaison Officer / Member of the XJTLU Academic Sub-group, University of Liverpool Management School.
- 2004-2005: Co-ordinator of the Erasmus Student Exchange Program between the University of Liverpool and the University of Hamburg (2004 –2005).
- 2003-2004: Admission Officer for the MSc Finance Program, University of Liverpool Management School.
- 2003-2004: Organizer of the weekly research seminar ECON@ULMS, University of Liverpool Management School.

Faculty of Law, Business & Economics
International Governance
Research Interests
- Social Choice Theory
- Game Theory
- Governance Theory
- Power
- Law and Economics
- Economics of Banking
- Identity Economics
Further Information on
- Publications
- Conference, Workshop & Seminar Presentations
- Conference, Workshop & Seminar Organization
- Research Visits
- Teaching Experience
Memberships in Research Networks
Research Grants
- Bayrisch-Französisches Hochschulzentrum (BFHZ),Diversity in Governance Structures, 2017-2018.
- Bayrisch-Französisches Hochschulzentrum (BFHZ),Power in the Lebanese Parliament, 2016-2017.
- Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (6th European Community Framework Program), A Theory of Organizational Structures, 2005-2007.
- DAAD / British Council Grant, Economics of National Identity, 2002-2003.
- Kulturstiftung der Deutschen Bank, Distributive Justice: An Experimental Analysis, 1999-2001.
- American Economic Association
- Game Theory Society
- European Public Choice Society
- Society for Social Choice and Welfare
Referee Reports
- Acta Politica
- Control and Cybernetics
- Homo Oeconomicus
- Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics
- Political Studies
- Public Choice
- Social Choice and Welfare
- Theory and Decision
- Best Doctoral Paper, 3rd International Stockholm Seminar on Risk Behaviour and Risk Management, Stockholm, 1999.
- Best Commercial Apprenticeship of the Year in Banking, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, 1992.

Faculty of Law, Business & Economics
International Governance
Prof. Dr. Frank Steffen
Office: Building RW I, Room 2.161
Consultation hour: upon appointment
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-6086 | Fax: +49 (0)921 / 55-6042